Friday, November 19, 2010

Day 6: Green Ranger No More Part one.

I finished the episode with a half hour to spare before my deadline, so I am gonna rush this one!

Tommy and Kim are playing some basket ball when a Projection of Tommy from the future shows up to give him a message. He tells him he will be in a fight, and must bring a communicator with him. It should be noted that future Tommy has no powers.

"The hawtest transfer student!"
We then get a scene change to the school. We meet new transfer students, one being Zack's cousin.  The rest are complete ass holes. Each one wearing a corresponding color to our heroes. Almost like anti-rangers, hmmmmm.

The gang goes to the beach and play with some sea shells. All is well until these jerks show up and ruin a good time. Zedd see's them and decides they would make perfect DARK RANGERS and kidnaps them.

We also learn about the green crystal that siphons off Tommy's energy and a new moster is summoned from the sea shell. The monster is of course called Turban Shell.

Turban shell is sent to attack the city in giant form. The Rangers and Tommy use there Zords to fend it off until it runs away to regain it's energy. Lord Zedd yells at it for running away, and then teleports Tommy to his realm to fight the shell. Tommy loses the fight and gets his powers stolen.

Zedd then teleports the rest of the Rangers, and takes there communicators making them powerless. It is here that we see the introduction of the dark rangers. These guys have the worst costumes ever.

So stay tuned.
I know I will... have to.

"Dark Rangers.LOL!"

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