Tuesday, November 16, 2010

The Green Dream, or how this all beigns!

 So we are starting here with The Green Dream. If you were to check the dates you'd see this is actually from a few days ago, but that's because I had already started writing these things. I just didn't have anywhere to put them until now.

This episode starts with some heavy hitting drama. It seems that Tommy, the green ranger, is losing his powers with each use. It's kind of weird jumping in at this point mid story arc, but from what I remember as a child I get what's going on.

We zoom to Lord Zed as he launches his evil plan to get the power sword or sword of power its really the same thing. We learn that his plan is ridiculously simple. He decides to mind control Tommy (again), who then will trick the power rangers into summoning the sword (by just asking nicely) and then having Tommy deliver the sword to him. But what I don't get is why Zed breaks the mind control right after he gets the sword.

Lord Zed in his infinite wisdom then decides to summon a robotic goat, aptly named "Robogoat", to destroy the rangers. Oh, and he gives the goat the sword of power. Y'know the all powerful weapon to destroy the power rangers and take over the world. Yeah he gives it to goat man .Oh and the goat totally BAAAHS when he talks.
"A robotic goat? C'MON!"

Anyway Tommy then Morphs and some how teleports (what?)  to the EXACT location of Robogoat. He confronts the goatman, and tries to get the sword of power back. The goat then shows his true power of disguising sticks as swords, and quickly defeats the green ranger.

Luckily, the rest of the power ranges show up to save Tommy. But the goat opens a crack in the earth causing most of the rangers to fall in leaving only the red ranger top side. He quickly defeats the goat in a sword fight which of course results in the power rangers shooting out of the Robogoat's chest in energy bubbles...

Then in true power rangers style Lord Zed makes the goat into a giant, and the power rangers summon there lightning Mega-Zords. But in a bizarre turn of events they get knocked around for a bit. But the blue ranger quickly repairs the complex machine by pressing a few buttons! Tommy is dissapointed when his Mega- Zord does not respond. The Rangers must have forgot how to use the Zord because they suddenly kill the giant RoboGoat with almost no effort.

At the end  we see Tommy sulking ont the stairs because his powers are fading.

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