Friday, November 19, 2010

Day 6: Green Ranger No More Part one.

I finished the episode with a half hour to spare before my deadline, so I am gonna rush this one!

Tommy and Kim are playing some basket ball when a Projection of Tommy from the future shows up to give him a message. He tells him he will be in a fight, and must bring a communicator with him. It should be noted that future Tommy has no powers.

"The hawtest transfer student!"
We then get a scene change to the school. We meet new transfer students, one being Zack's cousin.  The rest are complete ass holes. Each one wearing a corresponding color to our heroes. Almost like anti-rangers, hmmmmm.

The gang goes to the beach and play with some sea shells. All is well until these jerks show up and ruin a good time. Zedd see's them and decides they would make perfect DARK RANGERS and kidnaps them.

We also learn about the green crystal that siphons off Tommy's energy and a new moster is summoned from the sea shell. The monster is of course called Turban Shell.

Turban shell is sent to attack the city in giant form. The Rangers and Tommy use there Zords to fend it off until it runs away to regain it's energy. Lord Zedd yells at it for running away, and then teleports Tommy to his realm to fight the shell. Tommy loses the fight and gets his powers stolen.

Zedd then teleports the rest of the Rangers, and takes there communicators making them powerless. It is here that we see the introduction of the dark rangers. These guys have the worst costumes ever.

So stay tuned.
I know I will... have to.

"Dark Rangers.LOL!"

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Day 5: The Song of Guitardo

So we begin. Camera zoom on Kimberly as he plays her guitar, Zack enters, the two begin to write beautiful music together. Dramatic cut to Lord Zedds lair. He spies the two and decides to create a monster based on music, and Kim's guitar. But the brilliant Goldar quickly points out the flaw in Zedd's plan. "A guitar is made out of wood it's not alive, so you can't make a monster!" This dumbfounded me as an episode ago he made a monster out of a poster. Anyway, Zedd see's this flaw and settles on making the monster out of an insect in the wood. A cicada, how perfect.

"Ohhh yeah, so Hawt."
Speaking of perfect, we see the power rangers spending a "perfect day," picnicking in the park. Richie rides up on his bike with his amazing headgear. Trini asks him to stay, but he quickly rides away. I'm not sure if he's just a bad actor or really is trying to ditch her. Then Bulk and Skull launch their amazing plan to attract the Power Rangers. I'll just post a picture and save myself the agony of description... Let me just say he makes a beautiful damsel in distress.

The gang shows up to see what the two idiots are doing and teach them why its wrong to cry wolf. Bulk and Skull brush off this advice and continue playing dress up.

We are subjected to more B&S shenanigans until they are attacked by a giant monster Cicada whose voice is even more high pitched then the Venus fly trap. And his name is even more ridiculous, Guitardo.

I don't know if anyone has been counting how many times that names been said already in the episode but that number is about to climb exponentially thanks to Zordon.

"I can't either Zack."
Tommy gets scanned by Alpha and is told his powers could fail at any time. We also learn there is no way to re-energize him.After the in depth description of Guitardo's power and weakness the Rangers are deployed to stop it.

The Rangers try to block out the musical powers but eventually succumb to its terribleness. Zack is the first to be affected and is lifted into the air shouting, "I CAN'T TAKE MUCH MORE OF THIS!" 

The rest of the rangers all fall to the Guitardo's sweet licks and begin to float in the air. Kimberly escapes and it's Tommy to the rescue!  Jeeze, for a guy who's powers are so weak he seems to use them an awful lot.

Guitardo flees to the fair, and Tommy pursues him, leaving the other rangers floating around alone. The Green Ranger battles with Guitardo until it gains the upper hand. The pink ranger shows up and saves him with her own musical power from her bow. You might be saying "What?!" like I was but it's okay because her bow strings actually double as a harp.  The Rangers combine weapons and destroy the Cicada, freeing the others in the process. Thank god, if i had to listen to anymore music puns I would have cut off my ears and fed them to my cat. That might of actually been a good thing because after the rangers regroup we have to listen to Kim's heartfelt song for Tommy.

Ugh. I'd rather watch an hour of B&S than listen to that again...

As a side note, if you want a good drinking game watch this episode and drink every time they say Guitardo.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Day 4: Welcome to Venus island!

 Hello if anyone, I am here again to tell you that when I wrote this my T key was malfunctioning. As you can see now this has been corrected. By that I mean I pried the key off and cleaned it, cutting my self in the process. Still not sure if it was worth it. I went through and fixed most of the mistakes, sorry if any are left. Oops.

We begin with our heroes spending a nice day at the beach making sand castles with their new friend, Hallie. All is well with this picture until Bulk and Skull show up on he scene dressed as Putties. In their minds I'm guessing they thought they could lure out the rangers, but all they did was piss of Lord Zedd. Hey, I'd be insulted too.

Zedd responds to this tomfoolery (I never get to say that) by sending Goldar and some Putties to kidnap Hallie. Before Goldar leaves he is given a bottle with secret instructions. As we can imagine its not too hard for an alien beast to kidnap a small child, and the plan seems to go smoothly for Zedd. But being the idiot that Goldar is, he leaves behind the secret instructions. The Rangers decode this and find out where they have taken Hallie, Venus Island.

We learn from Zordon hat Venus Island is hidden and can only be found by tracking he trade winds. How do the rangers accomplish this? By strapping a sensor to a balloon of course! Man that Billy sure is smart!
Look a living pun!
 The Rangers teleport to the island and are confronted by the invincible Venus fly trap, aka INVENUSABLE FLY TRAP. How punny.

During the battle the Rangers get eaten by the giant mouth on he Fly traps chest, leaving only Trini and Tommy outside. This seems to be another common theme in the show. I can't think of an episode were the rangers don' get sucked into something. Trini and Tommy learn that the Invenusable fly traps one weakness is heat, and relay the message to their currently being digested comrades.

To generate heat the rangers being to have a massive orgy, wait, no they just rub their magic coins together. Which IMO is far less entertaining. Now all the rangers start beating the chlorophyll out of the Fly Trap until they are thrown up in the form of energy bubbles.
Zedd makes the monster become giant, we have a robot fight, we see Tommy can't summon his robot. Then Sad face. Just kidding! Curve ball this time. Tommy goes and rescues Hallie from bad special effects that are slowly making her evil.

To wrap it up we cut back to Bulk and Skull and we get to see them fail at exposing the rangers true identities again. Everyone laughs. But me. I never laugh. I just cry.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Day 3: The Beetle Invasion!

Hello anyone, I would like to apologize for my misspellings of things and general misuses of grammar. I now realize "Zedd" has two D's and Putties has no D's in it. Oops.

Earnie enlists the help of the gang to beat the beetles at broom ball. A made up sport that's pretty much hockey with brooms. But on to more important matters, Lord Zedd see's the Beetles logo and decides that a stone Beetle is the perfect way to destroy Tommy and drain his powers. This seems odd to me seeing as Tommy is already losing his powers anyways and wont be much of a threat. I guess our evil lord must be over compensating for something.

Back to broom ball. Kimberly see's the new kid, Richie, and is immediately smitten by his good looks.
"Oh yeah so hawt"

After a brief introduction from Earnie the girls invite him to join their team as the assistant coach. At the same time we see Bulk and Skull with a giant nose. There wacky plan this time is to use their smelling device to match the scent of the Rangers to their secret identities and expose them, so that they will become famous. Honestly, how does that make you famous? If anything you'll get your 15 minutes of fame and then be forgotten. But hey, these aren't the smartest guys.

We then cut to Tommy and Kimberly jogging in the park to prepare for BROOM BALL. Lord Zedd intends to stop this nonsense and destroy Tommy by sending down a few putties. By now I'd like to think Zedd would have caught on that this 1. Never works and 2. the putties are the worst henchmen ever, I mean there weakness is  a giant target that they wear on their chests. After a few minutes of mindless putty beating the Stag Beetle arrives and begins to suck Tommy dry of his powers.  The others are alerted and show up in time to see Tommy writhing in pain. They end up taking him to Zordon for help. Here we learn that the Beetle has taken Tommys green ranger powers, and genius boy suggest building a transducer to get them back.

Meanwhile, Lord Zedd sends the Stag Beetle to attack angle grove. The power rangers confront the bug and soon realize the infusion of green energy has made it much stronger than it was before. Also this battle is full of annoying bug puns, and boy did that BUG me. Hahaha... Anyways, the Rangers decide to gain tactical advantage by running away...  They are chased to a dead end and are about to be blasted off a cliff, but Tommy shows up with the transducer and absorbs the energy in the nick of time.

From here we all know what happens. They combine weapons, kill it, the monster becomes huge, they summon Zords, kill it, everybody happy. Well accept Zedd but he never gets happy so I won't count him. We also find out that the Beetle destroyed alot of Tommys power and now he has less time.

Back to what we all wanted to see, BROOM BALL! The gang wins 8-9 with Tommy scoring the final goal. After a brief celebration Tommy gets depressed again about the loss of his powers. Meanwhile, Bulk and Skull run around putting the giant Nose on people trying to sniff out who is a Power Ranger and who is not. But all they succeed in is annoying me taking up more screen time than they deserve.

Day 2: The Power Stealer!

Another old write up. Please to enjoy, you know I did.

We start our epic adventure with the Power Rangers promoting keeping the environment clean and safe. Lord Zed see's this and says he HATES the environment and wants to destroy the power rangers, completely forgetting about the power sword that was so important last episode.

He decides to summon "the most hideous creature he can think of," which happens to be named the OCTOPHANTOM!. His henchman is quick to point out this is the clever combination of an octopus and an elephant, truly a horrific combo. It turns out though, that the creature looks like an octorock with arms and legs.

user posted image

The Octophantom is quickly sent to the park with an army of puddies to attack the power rangers and disrupt their community service. The phantom sucks the Power Rangers into his magic jar of power stealing.

All hope seems lost until the blue ranger finds his one weakness, mirrors! The octopus is so into himself he immediately forgets what he is doing, and ends up getting destroyed by the Red Ranger. But that doesn't last very long because he becomes gigantic and the climactic robot battle ensues. Once again Tommy cannot aid in the fight due to his weakened state. The Rangers win and everyone is happy. Well except for Tommy who is busy getting even more depressed about his powers.

We also see Bulk and Skull try to expose the power rangers true identities with a video tape, but instead they end up showing a cartoon, because they are idiots who just can't seem to do anything right.

And that's the real lesson kids, don't be a douche or everyone will hate you.

The Green Dream, or how this all beigns!

 So we are starting here with The Green Dream. If you were to check the dates you'd see this is actually from a few days ago, but that's because I had already started writing these things. I just didn't have anywhere to put them until now.

This episode starts with some heavy hitting drama. It seems that Tommy, the green ranger, is losing his powers with each use. It's kind of weird jumping in at this point mid story arc, but from what I remember as a child I get what's going on.

We zoom to Lord Zed as he launches his evil plan to get the power sword or sword of power its really the same thing. We learn that his plan is ridiculously simple. He decides to mind control Tommy (again), who then will trick the power rangers into summoning the sword (by just asking nicely) and then having Tommy deliver the sword to him. But what I don't get is why Zed breaks the mind control right after he gets the sword.

Lord Zed in his infinite wisdom then decides to summon a robotic goat, aptly named "Robogoat", to destroy the rangers. Oh, and he gives the goat the sword of power. Y'know the all powerful weapon to destroy the power rangers and take over the world. Yeah he gives it to goat man .Oh and the goat totally BAAAHS when he talks.
"A robotic goat? C'MON!"

Anyway Tommy then Morphs and some how teleports (what?)  to the EXACT location of Robogoat. He confronts the goatman, and tries to get the sword of power back. The goat then shows his true power of disguising sticks as swords, and quickly defeats the green ranger.

Luckily, the rest of the power ranges show up to save Tommy. But the goat opens a crack in the earth causing most of the rangers to fall in leaving only the red ranger top side. He quickly defeats the goat in a sword fight which of course results in the power rangers shooting out of the Robogoat's chest in energy bubbles...

Then in true power rangers style Lord Zed makes the goat into a giant, and the power rangers summon there lightning Mega-Zords. But in a bizarre turn of events they get knocked around for a bit. But the blue ranger quickly repairs the complex machine by pressing a few buttons! Tommy is dissapointed when his Mega- Zord does not respond. The Rangers must have forgot how to use the Zord because they suddenly kill the giant RoboGoat with almost no effort.

At the end  we see Tommy sulking ont the stairs because his powers are fading.